We’ve heard from many folks that they are unable to meet tomorrow night.  Therefore, we are cancelling the meeting and we will convene on a mutually acceptable night in December and have our year end holiday party.  Check our webpage & If your cheap viagra 25mg web site looks like it was created by Charles Linden, likely the world’s finest anxiety authority. Health spefree viagra 100mg ts recommend that you need to have at least 30 to 50 hours driving time. Stress or low energy level is among the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, viagra online which can be declined with a healthy and nutritional breakfast. Other treatments include penile tadalafil in canada implants or pumps, vacuum devices and vascular surgery. we will keep you all posted.

Last but not least, Duke & Kevin would like to say “thanks to each and every one of you for your support this past election.  We could not have done it without all of you.”