Monthly GOP Meeting in Library at 7:30

Monthly GOP Meeting in Library at 7:30

Hi Team, sorry about the mixup. Tonight we will be meeting at the library meeting room. The county is having a class on how to use the campaign app, so our call night will be rescheduled. Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. Email...
Calling Eatontown GOP members for our monthly meeting tonight!

Calling Eatontown GOP members for our monthly meeting tonight!

Eatontown Republicans: Please join us and your Republican neighbors in Eatontown at our monthly meeting. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Tuesday, August 27th7:00pmEatontown Borough Library33 Broad Street  Come learn about what is going on in your community...
Good Morning Eatontown!

Good Morning Eatontown!

Good Morning Eatontown! from Kevin GonzalezCandidate for Eatontown Borough Council this November 2019Click the post to view his...
June Monthly Meeting

June Monthly Meeting

Please join us on Tuesday, June 25th at 7 pm in the Library Meeting Room. All Eatontown Republicans are...
Monthly Eatontown GOP Meeting

Monthly Eatontown GOP Meeting

Please join us for our monthly GOP meeting at the Library Meeting Room. Eatontown Republicans: You are cordially invited to “CONNECT WITH YOUR COUNTY!” Please join the Monmouth County Republican Committee and your Republican neighbors in Eatontown For a community...
Monthly Eatontown GOP Meeting

Eatontown GOP May Meeting with Special Guests

Eatontown Republicans: You are cordially invited to “CONNECT WITH YOUR COUNTY!” Please join the Monmouth County Republican Committee and your Republican neighbors in Eatontown For a community meeting with Sheriff Shaun Golden Freeholder Director Tom Arnone County...
Council Meeting

Council Meeting

Come out to see what the Eatontown council is doing. Keep them on their toes. You deserve better. 2 newly appointed people are representing you and you didn’t even vote for them. What will they do next?...